2024.04 - “Norfolk”
github-actions released this 11 hours ago
GitHub action that extracts release notes from an existing changelog.
Changes in this version:
[2024.04] - 2024-04-30
- Upgrade webkitgtk3 to 2.44
- Fix packaging conflicts between mesa and mesa-pvr for RISCV64
- Upgrade linux-yocto to v6.6.23
- Upgrade gstreamer to 1.22.11
- Fix openssl crash on aarch64 w/o crypto instructions
- Accomodate llvm in readelf and objdump commands in oe packaging
- Enable OPTEE for var-som-mx8 project
- Upgrade Golang to 1.22.2
- Upgrade webkit to 2.44.0
- Fix ptests for several meta-openembedded recipes
- Update QT6 to latest 6.7
- Upgrade clang compiler to 18.1.3
- Switch to use http/https instead of ftp in SRC_URIs
- Update linux-variscite to include DT fix to enable PCIE
- Upgrade clang to 18.1.4
- Support 6.6 kernel and u-boot 2024.04 on upstream odroid machines
- Update several gnome components to 46.1
- Add GPT partition names to partitions on rockchip machines
- Fix ptest runs for pv, psqlodbc, unixdoc, ostree
- Add fido2 support to openSSH
- Make predictable name mac policy opt-out in systemd
- New Recipes
- highway, libjxl, python-libusb1, libfido2, avro-c++, python3-flexcache
python3-flexparser, composefs, aravis, ydotool
- highway, libjxl, python-libusb1, libfido2, avro-c++, python3-flexcache
- Removed recipes
- libxml++, python3-websockets