New alternatives to well known unix/linux terminal commands

We all work in cmdline quite a bit and its always fun to find new alternatives, here an article discussing few of them, I already use htop regularly, what all tools are you using out of these?

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most of those are new to me – will check them out!

I’ll add another to the list:

(written in Rust)

I’m liking the fd command a lot.

(written in Rust)

Viddy – Modern watch command.

(written in Go)

tere - a faster alternative to cd + ls.

(written in Rust)

Another grep alternative, benchmarks seems to show that its fastest of all.

Thanks @khem – I was playing with ug -Q (interactive TUI) – that is really cool. Will definitely keep this in my toolkit. I currently mostly use ripgrep.

While playing in the TUI, I did manage to get it to crash:

This is not surprising being a fairly young C++ program, but it does illustrate this is C++ … there is a tradeoff between speed (C/C++) and stability (Rust/Go) and a place for both.

yeah I use ripgrep too. This came to be even faster but I guess without handrails :slight_smile:

I have also started using couple of more tools

zoxide - A modern alternative for cd
eza - An alternative for ls

here is a good list of aliases to create - eza-ls · GitHub

here is what it will look like :slight_smile:

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glances is a system monitor written in python. It gives a screenful of useful information. Came in handy when I was diagnosing my CPU heatsink failure.