Yoe Distro Network Booting


I’m looking at integrating Yoe distro with a project. Is there a recommended method of implementing booting over a network for image testing and development?

Welcome to TMPDIR!

I’ve rarely used booting images over the network for development, but I assume this would be more platform/u-boot dependent where you configure u-boot to load an image over TFTP and boot it.

The workflow I typically use is:

  • install an image
  • update image as needed using the Yoe Updater (this is easy and fast). For development, you can scp a new image to the /data partition and reboot.
  • for application development, I typically just scp new applications over and run them. It helps if you build your apps so all assets are embedded in the binary, so there is only one file to transfer.
  • you can also set up a feed server and push new/updated packages to the target. See the feed server functions. After a feed server is set up, you can run opkg update/install on the target system.

Curious if this meets your needs, and if not, why not?

I think maybe the Updater path might be the solution I’m looking for. Is /boot accessible on-device in the Raspberry Pi build? The /boot dir only seems to contain the kernel image when the device is booted.

There are 3 partitions: /boot, /root, and /data. To update, scp the *.upd file to the /data directory and reboot.

More information on the updater is here:

Let us know if any issues – the updater should work on rPI.