Web3 notes

Interesting talk on Web3 by the founder of the IPFS project:

Some notes:

  • properties we give the technology we are building will have drastic implications – not just for ourselves, but a lot of people in the future
  • web 1.0: read
    • linking content
  • web 2.0: read/write
    • linking programs to content
    • advertising model – pressure to keep people engaged
    • data lock-in
  • web 3.0: read/write/trust
  • linking content directly to each other, bypassing organizations, removing intermediaries, and gaining verifiability
  • turning centralized apps into decentralized protocols
  • taking what bitcoin did to money and doing this will all kinds of services and applications
  • verifiability – key property – making things able to be checked to be true

I can appreciate the efficiencies that this may bring where we can more easily verify some bit of data. However, I’m not sure what to think of the big picture. There is certainly a lack of trust in our world that these people are trying to solve, but will it work to replace human trust (which is rapidly being lost) with technology?


Another web3 article:

A discussion started by someone at Google:

It seems large, centralized (in the sense all our data goes through them) tech giants like Google are one of the targets of web3.

here is list of article/essays on metverse which is counting on web3

they are pretty well researched.

A fast paced episode that covers a lot of ground quickly:

Some quotes:

You have identity and auth storage, and compute, really, that’s fundamental building blocks.

Brooklyn Zelenka: Doing fully distributed identity and distributed auth are the base building block for things. So people usually think, “Okay, well we’ve got data at the bottom and then we’ve got compute above that. And then we’ll start adding on top of that everything you’d see in a web framework controller.” But when we take a step back and look at it from a practical point of view… I mean, that’s absolutely what’s happening in the technology, but from a practical point of view, step one for doing anything practical is identity and auth.

So we have our, still in beta, but toolkit called Web Native. You can find that at fission.codes. That gives you everything that you need in a box, basically. Identity, auth, storage, compute, the whole thing. Offline first, et cetera.