VMs on Mac M1

I used virtual box quite a bit on my intel based Macs for doing linux stuff, however when I upgraded to M1, Virtualbox port for arm64 did not exist and there was a developer preview but it did not really work on booting Linux distros, but then I have now found

And I am quite impressed, I currently have an archlinux VM and a debian11/XFCE VM working well. I can share folders from Mac into VM and it does take advantage of hypervisor to performance is good too.

Sources on github - GitHub - utmapp/UTM: Virtual machines for iOS and macOS

Prebuilt images are here - Gallery | UTM

Documentation is here - https://docs.getutm.app/

Pretty neat – are you running ARM or x86 images for arch/debian?

@Miles_Brake – you might be interested in this.

I am running arm64 images to take advantages of hypervisor.