Upstream First

“Upstream First?” – perhaps the most important question you should ask your Embedded Linux platform supplier.

Otherwise, you may be stuck in the following scenarios:

  • the vendor never updates the BSP, and you are stuck using EOL Yocto and Kernel.
  • you need features in a newer version of systemd, Qt, or a host of other complicated software stacks and have no practical way to get there.
  • You need a USB peripheral driver only available in a newer kernel version
  • And the most important reason … :drum::drum::drum: … it is much easier to use Yoe with BSP support on upstream or at least recent releases.

Two examples:

Another instance of “upstream first”:

Since AlmaLinux aims to be as close to RHEL as possible, it should have nearly the same bugs as the current release of RHEL. AlmaLinux recommends following an “upstream first” approach to fix these bugs by testing against CentOS Stream, and submitting them to CentOS Stream (opens new window). For more information, please, see the Contribute page.