Simple IoT can be used as a text messaging service

Two recent users of Simple IoT are just using the messaging feature to send text messages to groups of users. The first is a building project with a large number of volunteers. The project managers use SIOT to send project updates out to ~60 volunteers. The 2nd use case is a store owner who sends out text messages to customers listing promotions and events.

You can send a message anywhere in the node tree, and all descendent user nodes will be notified. Coupled with a Twilio SMS plan, this is a very cost effective way to send bulk messages for small organizations (schools, clubs, companies, etc). The node tree can be organized to create as many groups and levels as needed.

Simple IoT messaging has been re-implemented in the new Node/Tree structure. Structuring groups and users is now a lot more flexible, and multiple messaging services can also be configured at any level. Check out the following video to learn more: