Best way to get simpleIOT running on Raxda

So I have some Radxa Intel SBCs with RP2040 and I was wondering how much tinkering it will take to get access to the RP2040 IO, or if it’s even supported on SIOT. I don’t really know where to start at the moment. I have bought a TSembedded sbc to play around with as well. I suppose the allure to me of the Radxa x2l was the ram configuration and the ability to run as a docker host to run additional apps from a tiny 15w machine. If I’m going the wrong direction, can someone point me in the right direction? Also what OS is recommended by you guys?

Radxa X2L Docs

That is a great question, and we don’t have a complete story for ATM, but we’re working on it.

Eventually, run the SIOT Go version on the x86 host, and zephyr-siot on the RP2040.

So I was curious about the connection from the host to the RP2040 – looks to be serial and USB:

We have the basics of establishing a serial connection and syncing points over serial between MPU and MCU. However, the zephyr side of this interface is not published yet. Several projects are in the works that use this, so hopefully in the next couple months.

You should be able to write a program for the RP2040 using Zephyr and program it through USB from the Host – have not messed with RP2040 much yet …

Let us know what you learn from the device – looks interesting.

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